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SWA Gameathons

The SWA holds monthly gaming sessions, usually on the first Saturday of each month. Each Gameathon has two time slots for events: 11am - 4pm, and 5pm - 10pm. We can also accommodate games that run longer than five hours, if needed. Doors open around 10am, so GMs can arrive early to set up. Admission is just $5 for the whole day (cash only), and free for students up to 12th grade, as well as GMs running a scheduled game.

Gameathons are held at Proctors Theatre in the Hearst Education Center (the finished basement under the cafe). Stairs and elevators to the basement are located off the main corridor, between the box office and cafe area. Proctors has its own parking lot, and there's a garage across the street; both are normally free on weekends.

Click here for the latest Gameathon event schedule. We generally ask for events three weeks ahead of time, and post the schedule the week before game day; both announcements are sent via our mailing list. You can submit events through our Google form, and preregister for events on our signup spreadsheet. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to our GAT email address: game-a-thon [at] swa-gaming [dot] org.

2025 Gameathon dates:
January 4
February 1
March 1
April 5
May 3
June 7
July 5
August 2
Council Con September 5-7
October 4
November 1
December 6

Code of Conduct: We expect all SWA attendees to treat others and be treated themselves with dignity and respect. Unacceptable behavior for attendees includes, but is not limited to: obscene language, racial or other slurs, physical threats, and acts of violence. Anyone who witnesses an attendee engaged in unacceptable behavior should notify a SWA staff member, who will address the situation as we deem appropriate. This may include asking the person to cease their behavior, leave the event, or if necessary referring the matter to the proper authorities. Repeated offenses may result in a temporary or permanent ban from SWA activities, at Staff's discretion.