Badge sales are now OPEN on our Tabletop.Events site!
Event submissions will be open from May 30 through July 25.
Event registration for attendees will open on Aug 8.
Watch this page and our mailing list for more information.
Onward to CouncilCon!
Venue – Proctors Theatre
432 State St, Schenectady NY 12305
518-346-6204 | Website | Driving Directions
Parking available in the Proctors lot, or across the street at 407 Hamilton St garage.
Restaurants | Lodging | CDTA busses
Friday 9/5: Session 1 (2pm - 6pm), Session 2 (7pm - 11pm)
Saturday 9/6: Session 3 (9am - 1pm), Session 4 (2pm - 6pm), Session 5 (7pm - 11pm)
Sunday 9/7: Session 6 (9am - 1pm), Auction (2pm - 3pm), Session 7 (3pm - 7pm)
Council Auction
We will be holding our annual Council Gaming Auction on Sunday at 2pm, between game sessions. This is a great opportunity to make some extra cash, while giving others a chance to enjoy gaming materials you don't need anymore. If you are interested in selling at the auction, download our information packet.

Contact Us
Facebook | Instagram | Email | Discord
RPG Czarina: Karen Seiz
Boardgame Czarina: Susan Seiz
Miniatures Czar: Roland Paperman
Code of Conduct
We expect CouncilCon attendees to treat others and be treated themselves with dignity and respect. Unacceptable behavior by attendees includes, but is not limited to: obscene language, racial or other slurs, threats, and acts of violence. Anyone who sees or hears an attendee engaged in unacceptable behavior should notify CouncilCon staff, who will address the situation as we deem appropriate. This may include asking the person to cease their behavior, leave the event (with or without a refund) or if necessary referring the matter to the proper authorities. Repeated offenses may result in a temporary or permanent ban from SWA activities, at Staff's discretion.
Refund Policy
If you have bought a badge and find you are unable to attend Council, please contact us about receiving a refund. If possible, cancel any event tickets you have selected before reaching out to us, as a courtesy to other gamers who might want to grab a spot in those games. The sooner we hear from you the better... but don't make the ambulance driver wait while you send us an email.